
The Power of Imagery in Competitive Swimming

For decades, swim coaches have taught their swimmers to improve their performance by using imagery to improve technique, physical conditioning, and to control competitive anxiety. However, many coaches have not taken advantage of this proven approach to mental skills techniques because they feel they don’t have enough time to invest in imagery or they lack the knowledge to effectively implement it. Many coaches of younger swimmers are unaware that imagery may be effectively used with all levels of swimmers.

By employing imagery in training routines, coaches will discover that their swimmers will improve their technique and motivation because as far as the brain is concerned, thinking is the same as doing. As swimmers imagine themselves or others swimming, they are able to make the changes their coaches encourage.

            This short two-minute clip features one of the best swim coaches Bob Bowman and swimmer Michael Phelps describe the process and potential impact imagery can have. They state the first step to effective visualization is getting oneself into a relaxed state. Before Bowman introduced visualization to then child Phelps, he gave a progressive relaxation book to his mother. He would practice this progression of relaxation every night before bed. Bowman states once his athletes can relax, “Visualization is essentially playing a film in your mind. Sometimes its like watching yourself swim from the stands and sometimes its you are in the water swimming.” Bowman states that in order for the visualization to be effective it must be vivid, rehearsed many times, and it works because the mind has a tough time distinguishing what is real and what is imagined. Bowman states that when Phelps would race in a championship level meet, he had already swim it hundreds of times so his body knows exactly what to do, his mind just switches into what he had visualized making it a powerful mental skills tool. Phelps states that when he uses imagery it can be what he wants it to be, what you don’t want it to be, and what it could be making it possible to prepare for all possibilities.

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My name is Ryan Randall, and I have been a USA Swimming Head coach for fourteen years. Swimming is the great passion of my life and I’m happy you have found your way to this website. I have also coached at the High School and Community College level in both swimming and water polo. Currently, I am a graduate student at Cal State University, Fresno studying Kinesiology Sport Psychology. In this major, I am studying the psychology of athletics in order to understand how using mental skills in sports can impact performance in a big way!

Imagery is a mental skill that has been a game changer for countless elite athletes and professionals throughout the world. It will be a game changer for you and your athletes as you work towards your goals. It is my hope that this website helps you better understand what imagery is, the various types of imagery, how imagery works, evidence that it works, and testimonials from coaches who are currently using imagery to help their athletes (and themselves) reach their potential!